This Sunday May 10th , the German Ovarian Cancer Association presents our annual World Ovarian Cancer Day (shortly called WET) 2020. Due to the special circumstances we are all in this year it will take place as a nationwide livestream event. The program will be exciting and literally “moving” as a livestream from Berlin with guests and experts like Mr. Jalid Sehouli from Charité!
In the program there are engaging and also sensitive workshops for cancer patients and their relatives on the subjects of dancing, yoga and movement.
We are excited about contents such as a balcony dance with Katharina Mayr-Welschlau or Dr. Claudia Turske, an experienced yoga teacher, author and psychotherapist who will be a speaker on World Ovarian Cancer Day, among many other experts and extraordinary people.
Switch on this Sunday from 10 a.m. and join!
You canfind more information and the live-stream on https://stiftung-eierstockkrebs.de/welcome/