World Ovarian Cancer Day 2023

World Ovarian Cancer Day May 7, 2023
Parade & Day of Action

All interested parties, patients and relatives, friends and families, colleagues, medical professionals as well as representatives from the hairdressing and styling industry are welcome to join our colorful “Parade against Ovarian Cancer”.
2 p.m. Rotes Rathaus Berlin (Red Town Hall Berlin)
Start of the colorful “Parade against Ovarian Cancer”
3 – 4 p.m. Berlin Cathedral at Lustgarten
Finale with hairdressing and second hair actions, information stands, beauty activities and personal conversations to participate in
Awareness-Week May 8-14, 2023
Daily on YouTube

New video clips every day with information on cancer, side effect management, hair and skin. With contributions from Dr. Yael Adler, Andrea Krull, Birgit Kröger, Prof. Dr. Marion Kiechle, Prof. Dr. Jalid Sehouli, Dr. Robert Armbrust, André Märtens, Hussein Saleh, Nives Kramberger and many more experts and affected. During the Awareness Week you will find all videos on the YouTube channel of the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation free of charge and freely accessible.
One Year of Engangement

Grenzenlos hairdressers and the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation provide participating hair salons with information about ovarian cancer and the campaign. The hairdressing studios donate a part of their income to the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation. Do you want to support us as a hairdressing studio and get involved with women with cancer? Then take part in our nationwide “cutting marathon”! Registration and participation for hairdressing studios at:
Initiators, Partners und Sponsors
The Story of the World Ovarian Cancer Day
Since 2016, the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation has organized the global day of action, the World Ovarian Cancer Day (Welteierstockkrebstag or WET) for Germany every year to draw attention to the life-threatening and still rather unknown cancer disease and to remove the taboos surrounding it. The WET is supported by various national and international organizations as well as Germany-wide experts from research and therapy. The WET always has a special motto in order to reach a broad public and to promote dialogue between unaffected people and those suffering from the disease.
Last year, the campaign “Cooking against ovarian cancer” was carried out with various renowned chefs and received a great deal of media attention. In 2023, the World Ovarian Cancer Day will be organized in cooperation with hairdressers! Under the motto “Hairdressers against cancer – let’s talk about ovarian cancer!”, attention will be drawn to this taboo disease. Slogans such as “I’m not just a hairdresser” and “My hairdresser and I” will be used to highlight new perspectives and approaches.
Hair loss and hair care during and after cancer treatment
An awareness campaign is planned in hairdressing studios nationwide, calling for people to talk and educate and support each other. Participating studios will receive materials on the subject of ovarian cancer, call for donations and can take part in tutorials with experts. Celebrities from the scene will represent the campaign. The joint campaign was launched at the beginning of January 2023 as part of the “Grenzenlos Friseure” (Borderless Hairdressers) event in Düsseldorf. “Cancer concerns us all, we thank the hairdressers to support us in removing the taboo from ovarian cancer,” said Prof. Dr. Jalid Sehouli.
In addition, the campaign wants to be a spokesperson for the experiences of patients, doctors and hairdressers on the subject of hair care during and after cancer therapy: How does hair change as a result of chemotherapeutic agents? What special care does hair need after cancer treatment? How do I deal with hair loss and cold? When are headscarves or a wig suitable? These and many other questions will be discussed during the campaign. Studies have shown that 72.5 % of those affected have had hair loss in the course of their illnesses. 41.6% of long-term survivors with ovarian cancer stated that hair loss was one of the burdensome side effects.
Together against cancer
“We want to make a difference in the hairdressing world and move from the margins to the center of society. As a relevant part of society, we want to make a contribution and do something against cancer here and now,” says Hussein Saleh, one of the initiators of Grenzenlos hairdressers, who are committed to “togetherness, not against each other” in their industry. In addition to many players from the hairdressing industry, the Calligraphy Cut team and L’Oréal with stylists and second hair professionals.
Susanne Fechner & Lisa Sintermann
c/o AVISOmed medizin+media
Im Auftrag der Deutschen Stiftung Eierstockkrebs
T +49 30 55217856
Materialien zum Download
Pressrelease and Programm (PDF)