„Die zweite Stimme“ (The Second Voice)

  • In our issue 2/ 2017 you can read amongst other things:
    MEDICAL NEWS: The “chemo brain” phenomenon
    ACTIVITY: Writing against ovarian cancer
    SPECIAL THEME: Fatigue
    Magazine 02/2017
  • In our issue 1/ 2017 you can read amongst other things:
    WRITING THERAPY: Another chance?
    ACTIVITY: Together against ovarian cancer
    EXPERT INTERVIEW: Cancer & Sexuality
    Magazine 01/2017
  • In our issue 2/ 2016 you can read amongst other things:
    PERSONAL THOUGHTS: Thoughts: Of Liminalities and Passages
    MEDICAL NEWS: What does quality mean during surgery?
    EXPERT INTERVIEW: WHO speaker Prof. Ullrich on ovarian cancer worldwide
    LISTEN: If the best friend has ovarian cancer
    Magazin 02/2016
  • The Issue 1/2016
    MAY, 6 – WORLD OVARAN CANCER DAY): Fashion show “size hero” with media partner BUNTE
    MEDICAL NEWS: Low-grade and high-grade ovarian carcinoma – what does that mean?
    LIVING WITH CANCER: After the menopause operation?
    SPECIAL PORTRAIT: Sandra Steffens – Give me the joy of life!